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Animal (2).png

Here is the list of how I Used elements of art
 -I used shapes by making the body shape and such as small things like nose, face, ears
-I used lines by trying to make them perfect
-I used color to make some look different with using cool colors and warm colors and in one color but different tone
I used value by using it in the eyes of the ferret
-I used form by
 trying to make it look like it popped out
-I used texture by trying to have little details around the body
-I used space by having  a purple background with nothing to much going on.

-Europe (not Ireland or Northern Scandinavia), Western Asia, and North Africa.
-They live in the wild, ferrets live in grassy plains, usually making their homes in tunnels that have been dug by other creatures 

-They mostly require a diet of meat/animal products that are typically high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates and fiber.
-Predators such as owls, eagles, hawks, Coyotes, badgers, foxes, and Bobcats are the main cause of death for wild ferrets
-Habitat loss and non-native disease threaten the recovery of the black-footed ferret. 
-Black-footed Ferrets are endangered because much of the shortgrass prairie habitat on which the ferrets depend has been plowed for crops.
-Approximately 370 are in the wild 
-scientists reintroduce captive-bred ferrets at selected western sites, including Canada and Mexico, monitor them, and try to reduce threats facing the species.

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