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Final Projects

1.Choose your own(Heat press effect)

  • What project did you do? Why?
    Me and Sean decided to heat press onto a football tee shirt . And we decided to do it because when your taking pictures of the football players back you could see the back of the shirt as well so it would be a nice little design onto the shirt. 

  • How did you do it? (Which tools/ techniques, etc.)
    First we made the design on adobe illustrator, second we took the design to circuit and cut out the vinyl , third we take it to the heat press and boom our design is on there.

  • How did it turn out? What went well? What could have gone better?
    The first time it went bad because we put it to high but the second time was perfect we should have practiced on a blank peace first before doing it.

  • What advice do you have for someone who plans to do this type of project in the future?  

  • I would make sure to just practice on a blank item first before you put your design onto the real peace so that way you wont mess up.



2. Album cover

IMG_2555-removebg-preview (1).png
  • I decided to do an album cover because Sean is a rapper.

  • I did it by going on tik and going to the tik tok filter and taking a good pic of Sean.

  • How did it turn out? What went well? What could have gone better?

  • It turned out very well It just took a few try's to get a good angle of him.

    What advice do you have for someone who plans to do this type of project in the future?

  • Some advice I would say is to get a good background for the photo or however you would like it.


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